British Damselflies

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Banded Demoiselle male

Banded Demoiselle female

Banded Demoiselle males

Banded Demoiselle pair mating

Willow Emerald pair

Banded Demoiselle female on water

Blue-tailed Damselfly

Scarce Emerald

Blue-tailed Damselfly with dew

Scarce Emerald

Emerald Damselfly

Northern Damselfly

Willow Emerald

Beautiful Demoiselle male

Beautiful Demoiselle female

Azure Damselflies

Willow Emerald pair in tandem

Willow Emerald pair

Willow Emerald

Willow Emerald pair

Willow Emerald pair

Willow Emerald pair

Willow Emerald pair

Willow Emerald pair

Large Red Damselfly pair

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